Logic Circuit
Logic circuit is a kind of discrete signal transmission and processing, based on the principle of binary, the realization of digital signal logic operation and operation of the circuit. It is divided into combinational logic circuit and sequential logic circuit. The former is composed of the most basic “AND gate” circuit, “OR gate” circuit and “NOT gate” circuit. Its output value depends only on the current value of its input variable and has nothing to do with the past value of the input variable—that is, it has no memory and storage. Function; the latter is also composed of the above-mentioned basic logic gate circuit, but there is a feedback loop-its output value depends not only on the current value of the input variable, but also on the past value of the input variable. Since it is only divided into high and low levels, it has strong anti-interference ability and good accuracy and confidentiality. It is widely used in computer, digital control, communication, automation and instrumentation. The most basic ones are AND circuit, OR circuit and NOT circuit. https://IGBT.online/logic-circuit/

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